Main Areas of Activities
14.12.2024 | 16:50
The main areas of activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection are as follows:
- Pursuing unified state policies, including economic and sci-tech ones, in the area of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, hydrometeorological activities, ecological certification and ecological audit;
- State management of examination, protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources, including mineral resources, waters, animals and plants; environmental protection; state regulation of hydrometeorology, ecological certification and audit;
- Regulation and coordination of activities of other governmental agencies, local executive and regulatory bodies, organizations involved in ensuring ecological safety, environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, including mineral resources, hydrometeorological activities, climate control, ecological certification and ecological audit;
- State regulation of geological exploration of surface resources and hydrometeorological activities, support and promotion of all types of organizations involved in the above-noted economic activities;
- Communication within its jurisdiction with local executive and regulatory bodies in solving environmental issues;
- State control in the area of environmental protection and hydrometeorological activities, ecological certification and audit;
- Preservation and sustainability of biologic diversity, elaboration and implementation of measures aimed at wildlife reproduction;
- Informing governmental agencies, local executive and regulatory bodies, and individuals on environmental issues; raising environmental awareness; promotion of environmental education;
- International cooperation; analysis, consolidation and sharing of international experiences in environmental protection and rational use of natural resources; climate control, hydrometeorological activities, ecological certification and audit.
© Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus, 2024