The Law of the Republic of Belarus “On hydrometeorological activities” of 9 January 2006 defines hydrometeorological activities as activities in the area of meteorology, hydrology and related fields aimed at production of hydrometeorological information, provision of this information to state agencies and other organizations and individuals concerned, as well as works aimed to influence meteorological and other geophysical processes.
Hydrometeorological activities of state and international importance are carried out by the State Hydrometeorological Service.
The state-run National Center for Hydrometeorology, Radioactive Pollution Control and Environmental Monitoring and its six branches make part of the State Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Belarus and report to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
The major objectives of the State Hydrometeorological Service are:
primary hydrometeorological data collection at the state hydrometeorological monitoring network;
collection, processing, analysis, storage and provision of hydrometeorological information from the state hydrometeorological monitoring network;
hydrometeorological forecast, agricultural crop capacity forecast, analysis of regional climate change;
provision of hydrometeorological information to state agencies, other entities and individuals in line with the established procedures;
meteorological modification efforts;
organization of the Polar Regions studies.