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Scheme of national ecological network adopted

News 26.03.2018 | 11:37
The scheme of the national ecological network was adopted by Belarus president decree No.108 on 13 March 2018. The network includes 93 sites with the total area of 3.37 million ha (16.2% of the country’s territory).

The national ecological network represents a system of natural and territorial complexes where the management of natural resources is governed by special rules in order to ensure the natural movement of living organisms. The network plays an important role in maintaining ecological equilibrium and ensuring the sustainable development of territories (the region, the country, and the continent), in preserving natural ecological systems, the biological and landscape diversity.

The national ecological network comprises nucleus zones, ecological corridors, and protected areas.

The nuclei of the national ecological network are specially protected natural areas (their parts) and natural areas (their parts), which are subject to special protection. Nucleus zones are designed to preserve the entire diversity of landscapes and ecological systems, habitats for plants and animals.

The ecological corridors of the national ecological network are meant to ensure communication between nucleus zones. They allow wild plants and wild animals to spread and migrate.

The protected areas include natural territories, which are subject to special protection and lie outside the nucleus zones and ecological corridors. The protected areas safeguard vital ecological systems against potential risks. They prevent or reduce the harmful impact that natural complexes and sites inside the nucleus zones and ecological corridors may suffer from.


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